We’re often asked to do barter deals with some of our suppliers. Obviously budgets are small, but sometimes you can do some cool work. This spot for Trends Magazine had to be dead simple – some people have said too simple, but I think it works well and it will get noticed.
The print ad was shot by Tommy Morris and the TV spot was digitally done by Modelcraft.
Although these three spots turned out ok, they were never meant to see the light of day. Originally, the scripts were a safe backup for our ‘big, really cool, Cannes Gold idea’. But the advertising gods were not looking down on us that day and the spot was canceled at the last minute.
Anyway, our backups were produced by Commercials in Istanbul, Directed by Olaf van Gerwen and Art Directed by Diya Ajit. The titles were done by Greg Meeks from Flic, South Africa and the music and sound design were done by MassiveMusic, Amsterdam. I think they turned out really nicely and they’ll do the job. Shooting in Istanbul was a great experience. The crew and production were great, but they fell a little short in their post. Maybe our crap budget had something to do with it.